About Us

Go Home Lake is in west central Ontario in the Township of Georgian Bay, District of Muskoka. It is a natural lake which is part of the Musquash River system. It was opened up as a recreational lake starting in the late 1950s when Crown Lands were surveyed, subdivided and auctioned off in Public Bids that took place from 1958 through 1962. In the early 60’s the construction of two dams was completed, a permanent earthen dam at the Go Home River outlet and a stop log dam (control dam) at the Musquash River outlet. The intent of the dams was to control the water level to maintain a constant water level throughout the boating season eliminating the seasonal fluctuations in the water level.

The dams and water levels are managed by Ontario Power Generation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry after the spring thaw (usually in early April)  to around mid-November to keep the lake at a constant level. Outside of this time period, the water level drops significantly and boats cannot be easily launched nor navigate the lake.

Uniting us in a shared commitment to enhance, build, and preserve every moment, every memory, together.

Our organizational By-Laws call for 15 Directors, in groups of 5 Directors, each serving 3 year terms. At each AGM, there is a motion to confirm/reaffirm one group of Directors. Each of the groups have terms ending offset from each other, so a different group is considered for re-election each year.

Our By-Laws also allow the existing Directors to fill vacancies throughout the year, which is then confirmed at the next AGM. If you would like to consider becoming a Director, please contact the President or one of the other Directors at any time throughout the year.

Current Board Of Directors

Geoff Hogan | President | president@gohomelake.org

Meghan Mann| Website | newsletters@gohomelake.org

Andrew Doman | Treasurer | treasurer@gohomelake.org

Derek McCallum | Secretary | secretary@gohomelake.org

Simon Edwards | Water Quality | waterquality@gohomelake.org

Matt Burton | Navigation Lights | navigationlights@gohomelake.org

Angela Currie | Regatta Chairperson regatta@ghomelake.org

Nancy Kuiper | Membership | memberships@gohomelake.org

Karen Miteff  | Merchandise / Art Market | merchandise@gohomelake.org

Lisa Burton | Swim Program | swimlessons@gohomelake.org

Paige Norwell | Social Media | social@gohomelake.org

Kelly Kenny | Advertising | advertising@gohomelake.org

Kassandra Barteaux | Kids Nature /Environment Day | kids@gohomelake.org

Vacant | Fire Protection | fire@gohomelake.org

Get Involved!

The Board of the Association is always looking for volunteers to help.
There are opportunities to join the board, help with a committee or volunteer at our events.
Meet new people, have fun and help the community!

Land Acknowledgement

We honour and thank the stewards and traditional inhabitants of this place and recognize the continued presence of Indigenous Peoples here today. We make this acknowledgement with respect and gratitude for the histories, languages and cultures of Indigenous Peoples who are with us today, those who have come before us and for those who come after us. 

The Go Home Lake Cottage Owners Association is dedicated to ensuring the spirit of the land is honoured, and we are thankful for the continued presence of Indigenous Peoples in these areas today. As an organization, we are committed to our journey on the pathway to Reconciliation. We do this by seeking Indigenous counsel, listening to, learning from, and collaborating with Indigenous communities. 

Together we commit to acknowledge, to learn, to educate, to create opportunity and to honour sacred places, and to take actions toward real Truth and Reconciliation in support of our commitment to wellness for all, and to walking the path together in respect, peace and harmony for future generations.  

Why Join the Association?

  • Navigation lights to guide you at night

  • Water quality monitoring

  • The Association advocates for members with government on important issues such as parking and garbage

  • Access to the lake directory

  • Enjoy a clean beach with activities like volleyball and bocce ball

  • Community events like the Regatta and Art Market

  • Access to kids programs like swimming lessons and the Kids’ Environment and Nature Day

  • Get discounts from FOCA

    Join Today!